to kate. and you other guys.

So, one of my friends here wanted me to write in English. so that she will understand. So I will give it a go and just want to start by apologize for all my spelling mistakes and all other mistakes that I will make. but never mind.

So, today´s been a good day. Woke up, had breakfast in front the tv and then off to the gym. after that me and Lovisa had some food and talked about life and shopping and then it was TESCOtime. we went there to buy food for the following week and it was expensive. more expensive than we thought before, so it was kind of a chock when we had to pay. but food cost! and bills cost to. this is growing up I guess.

And what happen then. went into town and the post office and posted my little brother a present for his eighteen birthday. But since there is a postalstrike right now, I´m not sure if he is going to get it in time for his birthday. a girl can just hope I guess. and, I am still waiting for a parcel from sweden and mum and dad. Just want it to come! Enoying to know that it is somewhere just waiting for me.

now I need to return to Notting Hill. Me and Kate went here to eat vegetables and hummus and now were watching Notting Hill. It´s nice. very nice. and tomorow it´s girlsday and time for my theatreworkshop. I am excited but a bit nervous. Just hope the girls will like it, and choose to hang with me.

things I really like:
 - costas caramell latte
 - candles and the smell of them

Postat av: Olivia

jaha. nu ska du skriva bloggen på utrikeska också. detta blir ju bara värre och värre.

Åh, Tesco och Costa coffee. Underbart. Men Tesco finns väl till för att vara en billig matkedja. Det trodde jag iaf. Costa coffee (om det var det du menade med costa...?) var vår tillflykt när vi var i Serbien och det var jobbigt. Allt blir så mycket lättare och ljusare när man fått en riktigt god kaffe i handen.

kärlek från sverige.

2009-11-01 @ 19:12:09
Postat av: Kate

I love it! Thank you for writing in English for me! I love Reading your blogs .)

And Costa caramel lattes are good .) good choice my dear .)

2009-11-15 @ 23:08:38

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